- A man in Russia has been building his own subway since 1984. He intends to run cars in it that carry 3-4 people each. http://bit.ly/9gLky7 #
- Just watched District 9 on DVD. Surprisingly positive tone. Highly recommended, if you haven't seen it already. #
- @ayman It's a sign! The prawns have infected us. What did you think? in reply to ayman #
- At Computer History Museum to commemorate Plato, one of the first interactive online systems, created 50 yrs ago. #chm #
- Lots of teens worked on PLATO in its heyday. The system would prevent them from logging on after 10pm. #chm #
- PLATO didn't have a mouse because students (their target audience) often had problems with motor skills. It had a touch screen instead. #chm #
- Ray Ozzie: a reason PLATO isn't better known is that it wasn't well tied into the research community. It was focused on doing not publishing #
- At #asianartmuseum with fellow Googlers for a special exhibit on Shanghai and the qipao #
- @edchi @landay While it's true that qipao are originally Manchu, not Han Chinese, it's like saying hot dogs are German, not American. in reply to edchi #
- Is the Net making us smarter (@cshirky) http://jr.ly/zeex or dumber (Carr)? http://jr.ly/zeey (via @mathewi @smc90 @edchi) #
- @tessalau To clear the autocomplete of a textbox, type letter to show autocomplete, highlight the one to delete, press Shift+Del. in reply to tessalau #
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