Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-15

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-01

  • @jwnichls There's an SF Bay ACM talk on the Google Prediction API tomorrow night. I'm thinking of going. in reply to jwnichls #
  • Stanford prof Lera Boroditsky argues that the language we speak
    profoundly affects the way we think. #
  • @ChrisBeckmann Funny to think you used to be vegetarian. in reply to ChrisBeckmann #
  • @drjpierce @davidsinger Replacing the Death Star with a podrace does not sound like a good tradeoff. in reply to drjpierce #
  • Now that the 24" and 30" Cinema Displays are discontinued, Apple's only remaining external monitor model will cost $1000? Yeesh! #
  • Korean tacos take America by storm. #
  • @davidsinger Nice! I only have 2GB on my MacBook, which swaps like mad using Parallels or Photoshop Elements, and I can only expand to 4GB. in reply to davidsinger #
  • Khai Truong pointed me to the Simpsons parody of Kesha's Tik Tok. Now I can't get the damn song out of my head. #
  • A badge to get into a party at DefCon becomes a wireless interactive gaming platform. iPhone was used to test gameplay. #
  • What a real web design tool should have – – and a follow-up – #
  • Damon Horowitz about Q&A servive Aardvark: it has no incentive mechanisms like points; they want to maximize altruism as a motivator. #
  • Isn't it odd that going to on an iPhone does not go to a mobile-specific version of the website? #
  • Ian Bogost, the creator of the Facebook game Cow Clicker, talks about social games and his satirical creation: #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-25

  • A 60 km stretch of German autobahn is shut down for a festival. Party on! #
  • Indestructible soccer ball never needs pumping, withstands broken glass, sharp rocks. Buy 1, 1 gets donated. #
  • Just saw Tron for 1st time, to prepare for sequel in Dec. Trailers look awesome: #
  • @mcollins Not quite right, I *had* never seen Tron. I didn't admit it until it was no longer true. πŸ™‚ in reply to mcollins #
  • Recent conversation topics in my office include QBasic, Logo, and Tron. Massive geek nostalgia. #
  • At Computer History Museum to watch Mark Zuckerberg. #chm #
  • Zuckerberg: the future of Facebook isn't its web site, it's the platform. #chm #net40 #thefacebookeffect #
  • Zuckerberg: Facebook has 400 engineers are writing code for 500 million users #chm #net40 #thefacebookeffect #
  • Zuckerberg: Facebook isn't leading in only a few countries: Brazil, Russia, Japan, South Korea, China #
  • Zuckerberg: Facebook isn't leading in only a few countries: Brazil, Russia, Japan, South Korea, China #chm #net40 #thefacebookeffect #
  • Taking a sneak peek of Computer History Museum's new exhibit opening in January. #chm #
  • Same here RT @landay: Me too RT @jeffbigham AT&T just sent me an email inviting me to visit their newly remodeled store in Niles, MI — #
  • @HCIR_GeneG Not sure, but Facebook now has 500 million users, around half logging in everyday. in reply to HCIR_GeneG #
  • Former exec of Nokia says it relies too much on contextual design — relevant for evolutionary products, not blue sky. #
  • Tron fun fact: "Alan," Tron's programmer played by Bruce Boxleitner, was named after Alan Kay. #
  • Record store owner with no pro training in sound engineering restores recordings of the cantor Yossele Rossenblatt. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-18

  • Going to a World Cup party today where we're watching it delayed by 1.5 hours, so I'm going to stop reading news and Twitter now. #
  • @HCIR_GeneG Sorry I don't. Perhaps @MartiHearst does. in reply to HCIR_GeneG #
  • Back on Twitter. Congrats Spain! That really went down to the wire. Glad they didn't have to resort to penalty kicks. #
  • Tony Hsieh, @zappos CEO, at Google. Takes money that would go to marketing and spends it on customer experience instead, who spread the word #
  • Tony Hsieh @zappos: company culture #1 priority. Everything else, like the best customer experience, follows. #
  • Tony Hsieh @zappos: it doesn't matter what your core values are, as long as you commit to them (eg hire and fire because of them) #
  • Tony Hsieh @zappos: a fridge repair company adopted same commitment to core values; employees and customers are happier, profits are up #
  • @tessalau @landay I've taken the SIM card from my iPhone and put it into my unlocked Nexus One, and it works with no problem. in reply to tessalau #
  • Congrats, Julia! RT @jewelia: it's official; i'm giving a keynote at the web 2.0 expo on NYC on 9/28: #w2e #
  • @tessalau Bravo, Tessa! in reply to tessalau #
  • Didn't think Inception would be my type of movie, but I just watched it and was impressed! I could see watching it again. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-11

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-04

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-27

  • @jewelia Glad you convinced me to sign up for Twitter when you did, I barely got a decent username. in reply to jewelia #
  • @jewelia Hmm, I was all set to upgrade to iOS 4 until I saw your post… maybe I'll wait for some reports to filter in. in reply to jewelia #
  • @tessalau I posted the "what motivates us" video a while ago. It's one of my favorites. in reply to tessalau #
  • Watching documentary on Fairchild Eight and the birth of Silicon Valley at #chm #
  • "In China, Bill Gates is Britney Spears. Unfortunately, in the US, Britney Spears is Britney Spears." –Thomas Friedman, NY Times #
  • @jboutelle Odd, I've never had Gmail crash in Chrome on my Mac. in reply to jboutelle #
  • Google launches HTML5 developer site: #
  • @jeffbigham Usually not, since it seems most Twitter clients don't remove deleted tweets. in reply to jeffbigham #
  • @jeffbigham But I just deleted a tweet with a URL that Echofon shortened, even though it didn't have to, then reposted it on #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-13

  • @jeffbigham @drjpierce Biggest risk to Android is fragmentation across versions, not handsets. in reply to jeffbigham #
  • Jeff Johnson speaks tonight about the psychological basis of UI design rules in Mountain View: #
  • @Manas @lnhaynes Technically, Highway Gothic is a slight variation of the Federal Highway Adminstration fonts used on Interstate hwy signs. in reply to Manas #
  • Okay folks, is back to a normal white background. You may resume your regular lives. #
  • In CA, πŸ™‚ to see Props 16 and 17 defeated, despite PG&E and Mercury Insurance pouring millions of $ to pass. Some props can't be bought. #
  • And I will never buy any auto insurance from Mercury. That's not how I want to see my insurance dollars spent. #
  • "Yo dawg I heard you like books, so we put iBooks in your iBook, so you can read while you read" /via @jnash #

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