Buxton: Jobs revived Apple with people already employed there, such as Jonathan Ives. The culture needed changing, not the people. Gerken et al present method called Concept Maps to elicit developer’s mental model of API. A related resource: apiusability.org Missed Wrangler (creating data transformation scripts interactively), but saw Jeff Heer’s BayCHI talk on it. Good …
Tag Archives: CHI 2011
CHI 2011 Tweets: May 11
Saw and enjoyed last 3 papers of Photo Sharing session, especially Jones and O’Neill on relationship of photo metadata and sharing Will definitely discuss web credibility papers back at work. Need to read other 2 papers in that session. Not tweeting much during CHI 2011 itself: the wi-fi is totally overloaded so I can’t connect …
CHI 2011 Tweets: May 10
Freed looks like an interesting system for creating multiple views of a collection of digital objects (Mendels et al) Odom et al: great discussion on the relationship of physical and virtual possessions, including metadata and perceived value
CHI 2011 Tweets: May 9
Enjoyed talk by Leah Findlater on non-parametric factorial analysis techniques. Just the right depth for a CHI talk. Didn’t go to many talks today at CHI 2011, a lot of schmoozing instead. Also, I must be getting old, greasy food getting to me.
CHI 2011 Tweets: May 8
Here are my Twitter posts on the first day of my trip to CHI 2011, which was held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. At SFO Terminal 3. Longest security line I’ve seen in years. I better make my flight, which leaves in 1 hour. @tsatracker SFO Terminal 3 economy security: 24 minute wait At YVR …