BayCHI talks on personal information management

I just came back from two intriguing talks from this month’s BayCHI meeting. The first talk was about Chandler, the open source PIM that seems to have been under development forever. Mimi Yin talked about Chandler’s design philosophy and how it’s different from typical e-mail/calendar programs (her slides are online). For example:

  • There is a universal inbox, called the Dashboard, that can hold anything: e-mail, calendar, documents, etc. These go into one of three categories: Now, Later, and Done. Stuff moved from Now to Later can be “tickled” so that it moves into Now at a specified time. The idea is that things go back and forth between Now and Later, picking up more information about how they get done, until they are actually Done.
  • Stuff can go anywhere. An e-mail message can go directly into the calendar or a to-do list, and it also stays in your Dashboard.
  • Tags are used for bottom-up organizing (so that you can find it later), while categories are used for top-down organizing (putting stuff in collections). They have somewhat different affordances, but tags can easily become categories and vice-versa.

This all sounds good, but I asked how much of this was driven by user observations. Mimi said the biggest source came from looking at people’s e-mail folders to try to figure out what their organizational schemes were. So I’m still not sure how much of Chandler’s design is driven by what people actually do versus the Chandler team guessing. I hope it’s more the former.

Chandler is particularly interesting to me because it’s trying to address many of the same issues as the IBM research project I’m in, Unified Activity Management.

The second half was an absolutely hilarious talk by Merlin Mann about modern life in general and dealing with the deluge of information. In fact, he manages a whole web site about this problem called 43 Folders. One organizational framework that he discussed in particular is called Getting Things Done (which Mimi also touched on in her talk). Instead of rehashing what Merlin said, take a look at his intro. Suffice to say that geeks seem to have gravitated to it, so I’ll have to take a look.

Hip-hop gaining mainstream respect

Once again, it’s pledge time on PBS, when they bring out all their special shows, including reunions of soul and doo-wop singers from the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s. Which means that when I’m in my 60s, I’m looking forward to a pledge special of hip-hop and R&B. Picture it now: a PBS special featuring Ice T, Ludacris, Salt-N-Pepa, 50 Cent, Destiny’s Child (“for the first time in 30 years”), Snoop Dog, Missy Elliott, … After all, if the Smithsonian can exhibit hip-hop, surely PBS can.

More food

After visiting SFMOMA, Norman brought me to a Thai restaurant called Osha on 2nd Street for lunch. The food was great, but we were so hungry we overate, so much so that neither of us ate dinner at all [photo].

The next day, Sophie, Mike and I went to Chef Woo in west San Jose for Chinese/Taiwanese-style breakfast: shao bing, you tiao, soy milk, and so on. Good thing Sophie can read Chinese… [photo]

Then last week, when I went on a business trip to the Boston area, Steve brought Clemens and me to Pizzeria Regina in Boston’s North End. It’s a true neighborhood joint, where the waitresses yell at you to close the door because it’s so cold outside. But the thin-crust pizza itself is excellent.

Later on in the trip, we went to a restaurant called Bamboo in Westford, MA. The tag line was “Fine Asian Cuisine,” which I predicted meant that it served Chinese and Japanese food. Bingo! The Chinese food was okay: Americanized and expensive. Well, at least the decor was nice…

Visiting the art museums of the Bay Area

A couple of weeks ago I went with Norman to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. It was the first time I’ve been to SFMOMA. I particularly enjoyed the exhibits on Architectural Abstractions, the 1906 Earthquake, and the self portraits of Chuck Close.

Next up, I plan to see After the Ruins, 1906 and 2006: Rephotographing the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire at the Legion of Honor, and International Arts and Crafts at the De Young Museum.

Later this year I’d like to see Suburban Escape: The Art Of California Sprawl at the San Jose Museum of Art. And admission is free…