Twitter highlights: May 1–7, 2011

James Landay: “Nice profile of Scott Klemmer’s work in Technology Review: Tools for Better Web Design” Watch President Obama announce the death of Osama bin Laden: MSNBC [May 1] Osama’s death have prompted huge crowds to gather at World Trade Ctr. (Wall Street Journal) Hard to believe I was there <36 hrs ago. Sadat Shami: …

Twitter highlights: April 17–23, 2011

Sadat Shami: “Giving up tenure… and getting happiness in return? Reflections from someone who did” (The Scientist via Nick Diakopoulos) I think I’ll get a standing desk (New York Times) Jeffrey Bigham: “How languages may have diffused from Africa, modeling phonemes” (New York Times) Boris Smus: “Allow me to explain sorting algorithms through interpretive dance” …

Twitter highlights: April 10-16, 2011

Backbone.js is a model-view-controller JavaScript library in just 4KB (via Boris Smus ) SparkFun intros IOIO, which allows Android phones to control DIY electronics. (Engadget) Everyone in Google Doodle for Charlie Chaplin’s birthday are part of Doodle team, and like many of Chaplin’s films, it was filmed in the Niles District of Fremont, California. More …

Free goodies for voters… um…. everyone

There’s still time today to get a free cup of coffee at Starbucks, a free star-shaped donut at Krispy Kreme, and a free scoop of ice cream at Ben and Jerry’s. Originally, only people who voted were eligible for the freebies, but since that apparently violates election laws, the companies had to open it up …

Coverage of the Democratic National Convention

I’m watching analysis of Hillary Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, and it’s amusing to see the different (and predictable) slants that the different cable news channels have taken. MSNBC is basically saying, Clinton did her job, the Democrats are unified, everything is happy. Fox News says, we’re getting inundated with e-mail from Clinton …

What do you mean, Super Tuesday was only two weeks ago?

It’s amazing how fast this year’s primary season is going, thanks to the compressed primary schedule. Two weeks ago Senators Clinton and Obama were essentially tied. A little over one week ago, Willie Brown, former San Francisco mayor, former speaker of the California State Assembly, and all-around political guru, said that since Obama was favored …