Here are the latest in web fun, courtesy of Clemens and Jason: The amazing powers of thermite, especially when it meets a car Lighting a barbecue grill… with liquid oxygen (a classic) What if the Transformers landed on Earth during the Industrial Revolution? The real life Simpsons introduction, commissioned by Sky TV in the UK
Category Archives: Humor
The Chronic—WHAT?—cles of Narnia
Everyone else is linking this, so I’ll join the fun. (Thanks, Jason!) Take a look at this rap video from Saturday Night Live: “Lazy Sunday.” There are some sick rhymes in there (sick as in phat. uh, yeah). As a geek, I love this verse: Yo where’s the movie playing? Upper West Side dude Let’s …
The Onion: “Intelligent Falling” Theory
The Onion hits the nail on the head once again: Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New ‘Intelligent Falling’ Theory
A few books I’ve been reading
Nothing deep here, just some stuff that interests me: The Golden Ratio: The Story of Φ, the World’s Most Astonishing Number by Mario Livio. An entertaining account of the golden ratio, the author spends some time deflating the myths surrounding it, and then talks about its true significance and beauty. Language Visible (hardcover), aka Letter …
Telling it like it is… not
How are a runaway bride, Scott Peterson, Terry Schiavo, Wendy’s chili, and racism related? Only the Bad Reporter knows!
More research papers should be like this
Incidence of and risk factors for nodding off at scientific sessions by Kenneth Rockwood, David B. Hogan and Christopher J. Patterson Abstract: We conducted a surreptitious, prospective, cohort study to explore how often physicians nod off during scientific meetings and to examine risk factors for nodding off. After counting the number of heads falling forward …
The Onion was right again
Here is the top story for The Onion on January 17, 2001: Bush: ‘Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace and Prosperity Is Finally Over’ (screenshot) They had no idea how true that would become.