Microsoft Office user interface blog

I mentioned last month that Microsoft is overhauling the user interface of the next version of Office. Now member of the Office user experience team, Jensen Harris, has a blog all about Office’s UI, both its past and its future. It contains some good insight into how Office’s UI has evolved, how they are designing …

Ubicomp city

From the New York Times: A ubiquitous city is where all major information systems (residential, medical, business, governmental and the like) share data, and computers are built into the houses, streets and office buildings. New Songdo, located on a man-made island of nearly 1,500 acres off the Incheon coast about 40 miles from Seoul, is …

Hillary’s journey to the center

What’s Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton doing hanging out with Newt Gingrich, co-sponsoring bills with Rick Santorum and Bill Frist? Pundits say that she’s drifting to the center in preparation for a presidential candidacy. But Matt Bai argues in the New York Times that she is being true to her ideology, shaped by a Methodist upbringing …

Cupertino’s 50th birthday

Yesterday I went to the festival celebrating Cupertino’s Golden Jubilee at the Civic Center. I spent most of my time at “History Lane,” which had nice exhibits on Cupertino’s past, starting from the Ohlone Indians, through Elisha “Stevens Creek” Stephens, the vineyards, the orchards, the Cali Bros. Mill, and finally the development boom of the …