It wasn’t easy finding fast, cheap Internet access throughout my trip, and when I did, I mostly checked up on e-mail. I always take a long time to write (look how long it took me to write my dissertation!) and I decided my time overseas was better spent doing stuff. But now I’m back, and …
Author Archives: Jimmy Lin
1st Day of Japan-Hong Kong-Taiwan trip
I didn’t expect to be able to blog any part of my vacation, but my hotel room on the first night actually has a computer, so here goes. (Typing on a Japanese keyboard is a pain too.) I thought flying out on Christmas would ensure an empty flight, but I was wrong. The airport was …
Merry Christmas
And in the spirit of the season, here’s a link to one of the most incredible holiday light displays I’ve seen: Wizards of Winter So many people went to see it in person that the homeowner shut it down on December 6, after a car accident in the neighborhood. More info Videos of other people’s …
Le Parkour
Here’s a video of some guys in Russia with some pretty amazing moves — don’t try this at home, kids! They’re doing a sport called Le Parkour, and there are a ton of videos on Google about it. BBC News and Wikipedia have good introductory articles. I’m not going to be trying this sport anytime …
The Shangri-La Diet
Seth Roberts, a UC Berkeley professor in psychology, has an unusual theory on Lose Weight Exercise gain: whenever you eat a food that is flavorful and familiar, your body demands that you bank as many of those calories as possible. What if you could keep your thermostat low by sending fewer flavor signals? He eventually …
The Chronic—WHAT?—cles of Narnia
Everyone else is linking this, so I’ll join the fun. (Thanks, Jason!) Take a look at this rap video from Saturday Night Live: “Lazy Sunday.” There are some sick rhymes in there (sick as in phat. uh, yeah). As a geek, I love this verse: Yo where’s the movie playing? Upper West Side dude Let’s …
The deed is done
I finally submitted my Ph.D. yesterday. I would have blogged yesterday, but as you might imagine I was too tired. I spent all weekend prepping my dissertation for printing, and then a few hours actually printing the necessary three copies. It weighs in at 583 pages (about 200 pages for the text, and the rest …
More on the new Microsoft Office UI
I just got back from a BayCHI talk by Jensen Harris, the lead designer of the new Microsoft Office 12 user interface. He’s actually already blogged a lot of what he talked about, so I won’t repeat it here — take a look at his “Best Of” list on his blog for an overview. Instead, …
26 hours
It was a busy weekend for me. On Saturday at 2 PM, I first went to the housewarming of Tessa and Dan, who I know independently from IBM and Caltech, respectively. It was made all the more memorable by Seth flying a radio-controlled helicopter right into a tree, and then him climbing the tree, a …
India’s highways join the 21st century
The New York Times has a four-part series on the “Golden Quadrilateral“, a set of four-lane expressways that connect Delhi, Mumbai (Bombay), Chennai (Madras), and Calcutta, and the rapid changes to Indian society that comes with it.