Songs on my mind over the past month

I actually don’t mind having these songs stuck in my head, which is a good thing. Last month it was “Rhiannon” (video 1, video 2) and “Gypsy” (video 1, video 2) by Fleetwood Mac. Triggered by listening to The Dance CD over and over again during my trip to Rochester. Afterwards came “Sister Golden Hair” …

The Rich Internet Application arena is heating up again

Over the past month, there have been a slew of announcements that have the potential to rearrange the Internet development landscape. Building on the momentum of Flash and Flex, Adobe announces Apollo, a platform for building desktop applications using a combination of Acrobat, Flash, HTML, and JavaScript. This could be seen as direct competition to …

Travelers gets its red umbrella back

Another chapter in the long story of corporate rebranding: a couple of weeks ago the Travelers insurance company regained its iconic red umbrella logo after its former parent Citigroup decided to stop using it and sell it back. How did Travelers loseWeight Exercise it in the first place? Here’s a nifty diagram I put together, …

Taiwan or China? answers

China Airlines: Taiwan Air China China National Petroleum Corporation Chinese Petroleum Corporation: Taiwan (now called CPC Corporation, Taiwan) China Post Chunghwa Post (chunghwa means “Chinese”): Taiwan (now called Taiwan Post) China State Shipbuilding Corporation China Shipbuilding Corporation: Taiwan (now called CSBC Corporation, Taiwan) Central Bank of China: Taiwan (now called the Central Bank of the …

Taiwan or China?

A few days ago, several state-run companies in Taiwan removed “China” from their names. The old names date back to when the Taiwanese government claimed to represent all of China. Mainland China wants that practice to continue, lest anyone think Taiwan is separate from China. The Taiwanese government claims it simply wants to reduce confusion, …