- "San Francisco is the Florida of the tram world; it's where old streetcars go to retire." LA Times on SF's F Line: http://bit.ly/cEkVHj #
- @jewelia Deep Blue beat Kasparov *13* years ago. in reply to jewelia #
- @jeffbigham One of my friends is moving back to ROC. She'll be happy to know about that pho place, if she didn't know about it already. Thx! in reply to jeffbigham #
- "Intel Labs Future Technology Research": Intel is a tech company, labs do research, research is for the future. Why not just "Intel Labs"? #
- @wordium I'm meeting @JCTatWork at Google at 4:15 tomorrow, and then driving to BART. Wanna come along? in reply to wordium #
- @wordium Ok, see you there! in reply to wordium #
- Another take on the United-Continental merger, the merging of their logos: http://bit.ly/ayhajg #
- Just saw Conan AND Andy Richter at Google, from the 3rd row. Amazing! #
- @wordium Conan was hilarious, especially with Andy. He was impressed when he announced his tour with 1 tweet, and it quickly sold out. in reply to wordium #
- More companies are moving out of the suburbs and back into the city. http://hbr.org/2010/05/back-to-the-city/ar/1 #
- @drjpierce Do you get a free O'Reilly book for speaking at Web 2.0 Expo? 🙂 in reply to drjpierce #
- At UI Design @ Berkeley last night, impressed by quality & breadth of projects. @HCIR_GeneG has more: http://palblog.fxpal.com/?p=3578 #
- @drjpierce Wow, you're becoming quite the pundit! in reply to drjpierce #
- Now you can watch Conan at Google too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7TwqpWiY5s #
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