- Up in Berkeley today, I found a parking space right in front of Unit 3. Parking karma doesn’t get any better. #
- At Doug Crockford’s talk on JavaScript and the DOM tonight, I won a copy of Doug’s book, JavaScript: The Good Parts! #
- RT @landay Go Yang! RT @yangli169 http://googlemobile.blogspot.com/2010/03/search-your-android-phone-with-written.html #
- @tessalau If you had Crockford’s book, you’d know. 🙂 Or you can watch his talk at Google (which I recommend): http://bit.ly/OHbHb in reply to tessalau #
- @2leeoh Actually, that would be “noogler.” Or is it “n00gler”? in reply to 2leeoh #
- @jeffbigham Right-click on the title in a Finder or any document window, and a menu with the path drops down. Obvious? No. Convenient? Yes! in reply to jeffbigham #
- Julia, you are a star! RT @jewelia my new IBM commercial airs tomorrow! check out the advance copy: http://bit.ly/9O6MnS #
- I borrowed “Monty Python: Almost the Truth (The Lawyers Cut)”, a 6-hr documentary on you know who, from the library. Let the madness begin! #
- The Secret Language of Signs http://www.slate.com/id/2245644/ (thanks @nancyf, @mr_alan_cooper & @williamlidwell) #
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