- (2 wks ago) Got back from Pittsburgh yesterday. The pilot announced that the Giants were going to the World Series! #
- Great talks yesterday at #baychi @egoodman on IxD practices in the field, Xianhang Zhang on social software design. http://bit.ly/a93Tv9 #
- I'm starting to dig through and reorganize all the computer files I've accumulated over the years. Oldest: 1987 (GWBASIC program) #
- And with DOSBox on my Mac, I can still run that GWBASIC program, 23 years later. #
- After "Helvetica", what's the next movie for font geeks? "Linotype: The Film" comes out in fall 2011. http://linotypefilm.com/ #
- New version of Freebase Gridworks, an open source tool that cleans and enhances data sets. Now called Google Refine. http://goo.gl/wHKUX #
- Surprise: geocoding photos by hand SUCKS. Time to get a GPS data logger. I've heard good things about Amod: http://amzn.com/B000WO6HJW #
- Apple has been experimenting with tablet computers since 1979. Here are some amazing concepts and prototypes: http://bit.ly/cCtA6n #
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