- @jewelia Glad you convinced me to sign up for Twitter when you did, I barely got a decent username. in reply to jewelia #
- @jewelia Hmm, I was all set to upgrade to iOS 4 until I saw your post… maybe I'll wait for some reports to filter in. in reply to jewelia #
- @tessalau I posted the "what motivates us" video a while ago. It's one of my favorites. in reply to tessalau #
- Watching documentary on Fairchild Eight and the birth of Silicon Valley at #chm #
- "In China, Bill Gates is Britney Spears. Unfortunately, in the US, Britney Spears is Britney Spears." –Thomas Friedman, NY Times #
- @jboutelle Odd, I've never had Gmail crash in Chrome on my Mac. in reply to jboutelle #
- Google launches HTML5 developer site: http://html5rocks.com/ #
- @jeffbigham Usually not, since it seems most Twitter clients don't remove deleted tweets. in reply to jeffbigham #
- @jeffbigham But I just deleted a tweet with a URL that Echofon shortened, even though it didn't have to, then reposted it on twitter.com. #
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