- @jeffbigham @drjpierce Biggest risk to Android is fragmentation across versions, not handsets. http://bit.ly/bTI9I8 in reply to jeffbigham #
- Jeff Johnson speaks tonight about the psychological basis of UI design rules in Mountain View: http://bit.ly/cGlZ8j #
- @Manas @lnhaynes Technically, Highway Gothic is a slight variation of the Federal Highway Adminstration fonts used on Interstate hwy signs. in reply to Manas #
- Okay folks, http://www.google.com is back to a normal white background. You may resume your regular lives. #
- In CA, 🙂 to see Props 16 and 17 defeated, despite PG&E and Mercury Insurance pouring millions of $ to pass. Some props can't be bought. #
- And I will never buy any auto insurance from Mercury. That's not how I want to see my insurance dollars spent. #
- "Yo dawg I heard you like books, so we put iBooks in your iBook, so you can read while you read" http://bit.ly/9FBKal /via @jnash #
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