- @adamantivm Definitely Python. in reply to adamantivm #
- RT @jwnichls "No Code Required: Giving Users Tools to Transform the Web" now in stock on Amazon. http://amzn.com/012381541X #
- RT @tessalau Posted: What makes a good HCI systems paper? http://bit.ly/aqv7Gf #chi2010 #
- @jwnichls I didn't realize California already has something similar to Georgia's proposed anti-brain-chip bill. in reply to jwnichls #
- Didn't tweet or read tweets at all at #chi2010 Too busy listening. 😛 Although next time, I'll do that at least during bad talks… #
- @jennism Seems bad — how much energy does it take for the dying phone to beep and flash? #
- @edchi Apple forced a Commodore 64 emulator for the iPhone to remove BASIC because it was an interpreter. Ridiculous! in reply to edchi #
- @edchi Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that MaryCz is a great singer… in reply to edchi #
- I've been wrong all this time! RT @grammarnerd Dear CHI friends, It's pronounced "Lick-ert." Not "Like-ert." Love, Moira #chi2010 #r7 #
- @tessalau @jeffbigham I prefer JFK to LGA because of AirTrain. So convenient. in reply to tessalau #
- #chi2011 Presentation times will be cut in half: papers 15 mins, notes 7.5 mins. Each session 10 mins shorter. Each day shorter. #
- Just realized the most recent photos I've posted online were taken during the Bush administration. Time to fix that… #
- @drjpierce Apple's language restrictions may make business sense, but they still bother me. Even Squeak and Commodore 64 BASIC are banned! #
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