- @landay I find iPhone’s UI still has more polish. Plus, I’m still in an AT&T contract, and Nexus One doesn’t support AT&T’s 3G frequencies. in reply to landay #
- @j_lin Google Voice also avoids the annoyances of voicemail. in reply to j_lin #
- Whatever happened to the opening crawl in Star Wars? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8O8YbnworA (via Gizmodo) #
- Who says an iPad won’t fit in a pocket? Just ask Stephen Colbert: http://bit.ly/9UKqt0 #
- @landay Nexus One supports three 3G frequencies, but the other two are used in Europe and Asia. in reply to landay #
- Combating bribery by giving “cash” worth nothing: http://bit.ly/c7XnVR (via @landay) #
- Just saw a “free iPad” ad in Facebook, which screamed “BS”. A quick web search led me to a Technologizer article: http://bit.ly/bIQjZo #
- Where the heck did January go? Soon it will be 2011! #
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