A few months ago I said I’d blog about the highlights I had gleaned from my friends’ blogs. Well, here they finally are:
- Twitter is the latest social software craze from the valley, whose appeal I barely understand. Anyway, if you want to know what the buzz is about, Thomas Han, an avid user, has a great tutorial, a review of Twitter clients for the Mac, and some tips and tricks.
- Jason Hong found a video of a nifty game for tablet PCs called Crayon Physics Deluxe.
- Jason also found a web site that “measures” the reading level of a blog. According to the site, my blog’s reading level is high school. But there is no explanation what they are measuring, and Jonathan Bailey in his blog Plagiarism Today has pointed out a sleazy ad technique they use.
- Meanwhile, Juicy Studio has a more rigorous discussion on how reading levels are measured. According to them, my Gunning Fog Index is 9.18. What does that mean? Find out.
- Danyel Fisher ran into a rant about pie charts by Coda Hale, although other viewpoints were discussed in the comments.
- Nicodemus clued me in on three spinoffs for Mystery Science Theater 3000: Riff Trax, The Film Crew, and Cinematic Titanic. Isn’t the net wonderful?
- I had no idea where “Don’t tase me bro!” came from, but I was enlightened by Dulbecco (1, 2). Now, a certain comic strip make more sense.
- Dulbecco also blogged about the delightfully wacked song “Still Alive” in the game Portal. After I heard it, I wasn’t surprised to find out that Jonathan Coulton wrote the song. He is interviewed about the song in the gaming web site Primotech.
Hey Jimmy,
Thanks for the roundup. Hope all is well on your end.
So am I going to see ya on Twitter soon? Come on! it’s fun 🙂 I just checked @JimmyLin is still available!