Microsoft’s Building 7: now you see it, now you don’t

Last month, Danyel blogged about Microsoft Research’s moving into a new building, Building 99, and linked to several newspaper articles about Microsoft’s expansion in general. I’m somewhat familiar with the Microsoft campus, having interned there in 1995 and visited a few times since, so I was curious to find out even more.

On Microsoft’s web site, I found a couple of maps showing its Campus Development Plan, one from February 2006 (PDF), and another from November 2007 (JPEG). There are a couple of minor differences, which is to be expected as a master plan is implemented. One of them shows how the footprints of Buildings 94–98 have gotten more funky:

Microsoft West Campus plan - Feb 2006

Microsoft West Campus plan - Nov 2007

But more interesting is a change in the original campus. Currently, there is empty space next to Buildings 5 and 6. The 2006 map shows the space occupied by a new Building 7, where the 2007 map has it renumbered to Building 37:

Microsoft Building 7 - 2006

Microsoft Building 7 - 2007

7 makes more sense than 37 β€” why the change?

There has never been a Building 7 at Microsoft. The numbers jumped from 6 to 8. Company pranks soon began referring to the mythical Building 7, such as sending new interns there for an urgent meeting, or employees announcing they were heading over to Building 7 when they were heading out for lunch.

So not surprisingly, there was an outcry in the company when facilities announced a new Building 7 in the expansion plan. Luckily, facilities has a sense of humor and decided to renumber the building. (I guess there wasn’t a Building 37 either…)

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  1. So what ever happened to Building 7? Here is the story that I heard from Bill Gates himself. I didn’t ask the question, my very attractive date did — at a launch party for OS/2, June 1988 if memory serves.

    Buildings 1-6 were all built using a technique that involved putting concrete under very high pressure. Before ground was broken for Bldg 7, there was an accident at a building site somewhere far away (Atlanta Georgia comes to mind for some reason). Because of that accident, the technique fell out of favor.

    Since plans for buildings 8 and 9 were already in the works, the never-ending building process on MS campus continued and never — until recently — revisited the idea of creating a building 7.

    I am somewhat relieved to find that the legacy of this “missing building” will continue, since it has long been a part of Microsoft lore.

    — Paul Yao

  2. Thanks for filling us in, Paul! (Whatever happened to your attractive date? πŸ™‚ )

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