Are you white and nerdy?

Weird Al’s lyrics for “White and Nerdy” [MTV music video] touches upon so many geeky characteristics, it’s uncanny. So I’ve created the White and Nerdy quiz so that you can see how you measure up.

[ ] Went to MIT
[ ] Played Dungeons and Dragons
[ ] Likes Escher
[ ] Drinks tea
[ ] Does not have spinning rims
[ ] Has an action figure collection
[ ] Owns a book by Steven Hawking
[ ] Has a MySpace page
[ ] Memorizes digits of pi
[ ] Still wears braces
[ ] Adds mayonnaise to most sandwiches
[ ] Plays Minesweeper
[ ] Programs (or has programmed) in Pascal
[ ] Does vector calculus for fun
[ ] Owns a soldering gun
[ ] Likes the Happy Days theme song
[ ] Plays ping pong
[ ] Aces trivia games
[ ] Programs in JavaScript
[ ] Speaks Klingon
[ ] Owns a Segway
[ ] Owns X-Men comics
[ ] Owns a pocket protector
[ ] Owns an ergonomic keyboard
[ ] Shops online for gadgets
[ ] Edits Wikipedia
[ ] Enjoys Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[ ] Owns a web site business
[ ] Knows HTML
[ ] Owns a fanny pack
[ ] Shops at the Gap
[ ] Spends nights with a roll of bubble wrap
[ ] “Whiter than sour cream”
[ ] Member of the AV Club in high school
[ ] Member of the Glee Club in high school
[ ] Member of the Chess Team in high school
[ ] Debates who was better: Kirk or Picard
[ ] Goes to Renaissance Fairs
[ ] Has name on underwear

My score? 13/39. I know friends who would probably push 20. Less than half, but still probably vastly geekier than the rest of the country…

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1 Comment

  1. Aww man, you (barely) beat me. I got only 12. Time to go shopping for an ergo keyboard…

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