Weird Al’s lyrics for “White and Nerdy” touches upon so many geeky characteristics, it’s uncanny. So I’ve created the White and Nerdy quiz so that you can see how you measure up.
[ ] Went to MIT
[ ] Played Dungeons and Dragons
[ ] Likes Escher
[ ] Drinks tea
[ ] Does not have spinning rims
[ ] Has an action figure collection
[ ] Owns a book by Steven Hawking
[ ] Has a MySpace page
[ ] Memorizes digits of pi
[ ] Still wears braces
[ ] Adds mayonnaise to most sandwiches
[ ] Plays Minesweeper
[ ] Programs (or has programmed) in Pascal
[ ] Does vector calculus for fun
[ ] Owns a soldering gun
[ ] Likes the Happy Days theme song
[ ] Plays ping pong
[ ] Aces trivia games
[ ] Programs in JavaScript
[ ] Speaks Klingon
[ ] Owns a Segway
[ ] Owns X-Men comics
[ ] Owns a pocket protector
[ ] Owns an ergonomic keyboard
[ ] Shops online for gadgets
[ ] Edits Wikipedia
[ ] Enjoys Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[ ] Owns a web site business
[ ] Knows HTML
[ ] Owns a fanny pack
[ ] Shops at the Gap
[ ] Spends nights with a roll of bubble wrap
[ ] “Whiter than sour cream”
[ ] Member of the AV Club in high school
[ ] Member of the Glee Club in high school
[ ] Member of the Chess Team in high school
[ ] Debates who was better: Kirk or Picard
[ ] Goes to Renaissance Fairs
[ ] Has name on underwear
My score? 13/39. I know friends who would probably push 20. Less than half, but still probably vastly geekier than the rest of the country…
Aww man, you (barely) beat me. I got only 12. Time to go shopping for an ergo keyboard…