More food

After visiting SFMOMA, Norman brought me to a Thai restaurant called Osha on 2nd Street for lunch. The food was great, but we were so hungry we overate, so much so that neither of us ate dinner at all [photo].

The next day, Sophie, Mike and I went to Chef Woo in west San Jose for Chinese/Taiwanese-style breakfast: shao bing, you tiao, soy milk, and so on. Good thing Sophie can read Chinese… [photo]

Then last week, when I went on a business trip to the Boston area, Steve brought Clemens and me to Pizzeria Regina in Boston’s North End. It’s a true neighborhood joint, where the waitresses yell at you to close the door because it’s so cold outside. But the thin-crust pizza itself is excellent.

Later on in the trip, we went to a restaurant called Bamboo in Westford, MA. The tag line was “Fine Asian Cuisine,” which I predicted meant that it served Chinese and Japanese food. Bingo! The Chinese food was okay: Americanized and expensive. Well, at least the decor was nice…

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